Announcing Outcome Measures

Announcing Outcome Measures

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) provide a valuable way to capture the patient's perspective on their health status and outcomes, and they can help inform clinical decision-making, research, and quality improvement efforts in healthcare.

Announcing Outcome Measures

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) provide a valuable way to capture the patient's perspective on their health status and outcomes, and they can help inform clinical decision-making, research, and quality improvement efforts in healthcare.

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What are outcome measures?

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) provide a valuable way to capture the patient's perspective on their health status and outcomes, and they can help inform clinical decision-making, research, and quality improvement efforts in healthcare.

Rehab Guru’s innovations have offered auto-calculation on any PROM for a while, but sometimes it’s useful to know that Rehab Guru’s done it for you.

You can find PROMs now on Rehab Guru with the Notes and Forms add on!

So, what PROMs are available?

Rehab Guru can share any free PROM requiring no license fee, so the HAGOS (Hip and Groin OutcomeScore) or the QUID (The Questionnaire for female urinary Incontinence Diagnosis) are examples of PROMs now available, allowing you a validated measure of disease and improvement, without having to set it up.

What are the benefits of collecting PROMs?

PROM data can benefit us individually and our clinic. On a personal level, it can aid clinical decision-making, and it’s also great to show a client evidence of their recovery, boosting confidence and motivation.

Organisationally, there are initiatives with governing/professional bodies such as Physio First that allow clinics to gain an approved/recommended status, placing a spotlight on these clinics to attract members of the public. It’s already important when demonstrating the benefit of your service when gaining new business contracts, so it’s great to have evidence up your sleeve the next time you’re in a business meeting.

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs)

What’s now stopping you from collecting PROMs?

The barrier to collecting PROMs has been removed in Rehab Guru, giving you the time for treating patients, managing a business, CPD, marketing or any other task that keep a busy clinic running. We’ve even released automation features, allowing PROMs to be sent without any of your input.

To give this a try, why not book in for a demo or give our Notes & Forms product a try.

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David Barrow

Rehab Guru Co-Founder

David is a Chartered Physiotherapist with clinical experience in the NHS, MoD and professional sport. He continues to work clinically alongside his development role in Rehab Guru. David is passionate about Health tech to transform outcomes for patients.