We are delighted with the results and the difference it has made to the service our members can provide to their patients

How does Rehab Guru help BASRaT?

BASRaT (British Association of Sport Rehabilitators) introduced Rehab Guru and Telehealth in March 2020, to enable members to consult virtually with their patients. With potentially over 900 members’ accounts to set up, the task could have been challenging and problematic. The Rehab Guru Integration was seamless, the team thought through the process beforehand to ensure glitches and potential issues could be avoided.

The process itself took members virtually minutes to complete, 250 of our members were set up and using Rehab Guru in merely a few days.

The support available is superb, Rehab Guru provide a range of video tutorials that cover everything from getting started to creating a program and using the exercise palette. To ensure our members got the most out of Rehab Guru and Telehealth, the team presented a webinar covering the major aspects and benefits of the system. We are delighted with the results and the difference it has made to the service our members can provide to their patients"
- BASRaT Executive Team
British Association of Sport Rehabilitators

To learn more about BASRaT visit basrat.org.


Prescribe faster and prescribe better.

Pre-made Templates

Optionally load exercises from over 280 evidence based curated templates to save you time and give you a head start.


Search, add, clone, create

Filter and search a library of over 5000 exercises and add them to your programme with a single click. Exercise creation is just as easy, simply upload video or images to create a brand new exercise, saved in your own secure exercise library.

Customise your exercise programme

Reorder, rename, edit descriptions, add parameters (i.e. reps / sets etc) and tailor every aspect of your prescription to make it perfect for your patient.



Send directly to a patient's inbox, download as PDF or print, the choice is yours. There are options to cater for every use case, even uploading prescriptions directly to a patients medical notes using our integration API.

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