Phase 1

Goal: Preparation for return to exercise / Active Rest

You must be 7 days clear of symptoms

The exercises are divided into groups to help breathing, mobility and core control.  This phase can also be used as an active rest day, later on in the program.  Progress through the program as you feel able and do as much or as little as you can.  The aim of this phase is to:

• Encourage good diaphragmatic breathing
• Facilitate the foundations of movement (core control, balance and dynamic stability)
• Warm up the cardiovascular system

Ready to progress?

  • Perform each phase for a minimum of 7 days

  • Phase 1 and Phase 2 can be completed as many times in a day as you want, as long as you recover fully afterwards.

  • If you notice increased shortness of breath (SOB), fatigue or fever – stop and consult medical or coaching staff
